Attempting to Summit

It is a warm, fall day here in Boulder, Colorado. I just finished my tenth interview, which came together thru a series of serendipitous events. Again. 

My conversation with Doug was heart and mind-expanding. His courageous, thoughtful and creative approach to navigating his father's death and how to heal through delving into his emotions - going directly into the 'dark forested path,' as he referred to it, has inspired me on many levels. (Update: If you're in the New York City area, please go and support Doug's play, A Day for Grace - tickets here).


I look forward to writing more on our conversation and sharing more about his work soon. For now, this is my view of the Rockies right after our interview. An inspirational conversation and apt view to soak it in with.

Tomorrow, I'm planning to enter and cross them. Weather looks like it is on my bike and I's side. Please send all the good thoughts and wishes you can muster our way. They're felt and make a difference. 

Look forward to an update from the other side.