If you've also lost your father to suicide, I hope you find inspiration in this project and want to join forces with me and similarly affected men in order to support others who also lost their fathers to suicide. Along the way, we aim to also counter the shame and stigma associated with suicide. See testimonials from project participants to learn about their experience in participating. 

Update September 2015: I am taking a break from conducting interviews until I launch the first series of episodes. If you'd like to participate, please fill out the form below and I will be in touch! 

In order to participate you must be:

  • 18 or over;  
  • Willing to sign a consent form; and,  
  • Willing to have your portrait taken and voice recorded*.

* If you would like to participate but wish to remain anonymous, we can take steps to ensure your anonymity as well as take a portrait that will not reveal your identity. I'm happy to discuss, so please get in touch. Feel free to email me at FatherlessbySuicide@gmail.com as well.