An Update - One Year Later - Fathers Day

Hello friend,

A year ago today I launched Fatherless by Suicide and asked for your support in order to meet with men who have also lost their fathers to suicide. Thanks to you and other generous folks, I met with men across the country who afforded me the liberty to record and share their stories.

I'm excited to share what I heard and some of my experience along the way. Though I was planning to launch the first podcast over Fathers Day weekend, I've decided to launch the podcast in early September, on the anniversary of my dad's death - September 9th, which, ironically, is the day before World Suicide Prevention Day.

Tomorrow, I fly to Budapest for work, which is a city that has long-held one of the highest rates of death by suicide in the world. I'm not going there for the project, but I'm bringing my recorder along just in case - surprisingly, I continue to encounter other men whose fathers died by their own hand and have impromptu conversations about their experience of fatherloss.

For now, I wanted to write a quick note to express my appreciation for all of your support, and to share this update and keep you apprised of project developments.

Next weekend is Fathers Day and I'm guessing many of you are preparing in some way to celebrate the father in your life. For those whose fathers are no longer with us, I hope there are many memories you have to marinate on and that they tickle your heart.

For me, I'm reminded of when my first interviewee, Justin Pace, told of his experience celebrating his mother during Fathers Day growing up without a father figure. It resonated with me then as we talked on a hot summer morning in New York City nearly a year ago, and it still resonates with me now. Have a listen below, and I look forward to sharing more from Justin and the other inspiring men I met with you in a few short weeks...

Lastly, not many of you know, but my mom has had a few surgeries over these past weeks. The latest was on Monday to remove breast cancer. I've been fortunate enough to be with her and be inspired by her resolve. She's recovering well and her dream-team of doctors are confident that they removed that unwanted, shitty guest from her body. They are awaiting the full pathology to determine how long she'll be receiving radiation treatment, but it certainly is not how she was planning to spend her first full summer after her deserved retirement.

Please keep her in your thoughts and well wishes during this time.

All my best,
